Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Holidays!

39 bottles and 1,170 pills since I started taking ARV’s, I come to celebrate my second Christmas as a poz.

These are my other other Christmas tree at home (good thing I am alone in the house). And these are the only thing that has been loyal to me for more than a year already :-)

To all the people whom I have hurt in one way or the other – please accept my sincerest apologies.

To everyone who has touched my life – THANK YOU.

Here’s a simple wish list to all my poz friends:

1.       High/increase in CD4 count.
2.       Low/Undetectable Viral Load
3.       Good physical health
4.      Clear and open mind to accept the thing that has been going on with our lives and do the right thing about it.
5.       And most importantly, a better and closer relationship with the Lord.

To my non-poz friends and imaginary readers, THANK YOU for the acceptance and understanding. With people like you, this has been an easy battle for us. Let us continue fighting together to end the stigma.

Wishing everyone a meaningful Christmas well spent with your families and loved ones. And as we continue with the festivities, let us not forget  the true meaning of our celebration – Jesus Christ our savior.

Happy Holidays everyone!

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